In amongst the notes and letters and pictures that my mother has collected about the Patricks and the Brownlows, I found a copy of some reminiscences that Mary Birge wrote down. I don’t know when she wrote it. It came from a granddaughter of Mary’s brother,William Knox Patrick (5). Her father is James Knox Patrick […]
Baby Patrick, the Missing Heiress
As mentioned in the previous post about James and Fannie’s marriage and divorce, the custody court case for Camille took three weeks, 176 witnesses, and 4 days of arguments. It is a sensational story that would fit right in with today’s sensational news coverage. This story had “legs” as the old newspapermen used to say. […]
Some Patrick Updates
This summer, while looking at business directories for Pittsburgh, I found that the 1815 directory listed “Patrick James, mason” in Lawrenceville, PA, on the north side of Pittsburgh. The family lore never mentioned Lawrenceville. However, looking through the directory, I noticed that the masons and stone cutters (about five or six) were all located in […]